Why Should I Get Back Surgery?
Back surgery can be very effective in addressing back pain caused by spinal stenosis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, a back injury or other anatomical disorders. However, back surgery should not be the first step in treatment. Physical therapy, exercise, epidural injections, rest and gentle massage can all be effective for many cases of back pain. The experts at Hunt Spine can help you determine the best course of action for your unique circumstances.
Is Spine Surgery Safe?
Spine surgery has been performed safely to good result for decades. Like other surgeries, there are certainly risks associated with spine surgery, including infection, reaction to anesthesia or other drugs, stroke, heart attack and nerve damage. Performed under the experienced care of Dr. Leonel Hunt and Dr. Gabriel Hunt, back surgeries are performed very successfully and these risks can be managed and reduced. Whenever possible, the doctors seek results with alternative treatments that have fewer risks, but when the benefits of spine surgery outweigh the risks, results can be life changing.
Who are the Best Candidates for Spine Surgery?
The best candidates for spine surgery are those who have tried non-surgical treatment options unsuccessfully and those who have radiating pain into their arms or legs. Radiating pain is more likely to indicate anatomical issues of the spinal cord and spine and is more likely to be successfully treated with spine surgery. Medical imaging tests, such as an MRI, can help accurately diagnose your specific spinal condition. A consultation with the doctors of Hunt Spine can help you determine whether or not spine surgery is right for you.
What are the Surgical Specialities at Hunt Spine?
Dr. Leonel Hunt, orthopedic spine surgeon, is a professional when it comes to treating complex spine disorders such as Scoliosis and Kypohsis. Dr. Gabriel Hunt is a trained Los Angeles neurosurgeon whose practice focuses on patients suffering from spinal trauma and injuries. He also treats complex spinal disorders including vascular abnormalities and tumors within the skull base, spine, and spinal cord.
Does Spine Surgery Really Work?
Spine surgery can be a complete success when the right procedure is performed on the right patient. Our experienced surgeons have spent years delivering professional diagnoses that guide patients to the right non-surgical or surgical treatment for their condition. Through this comprehensive care, patients often return to pain-free, active lifestyles with their friends and family.
How Much Does Back Surgery Cost?
The cost of back surgery depends on your insurance coverage and the procedure. Some procedures require more intensive hospital stays than others, which will affect the cost of the surgery. Others require specific equipment and materials such as rods and screws or bone grafting material. Be sure to consult with your insurance provider, your doctor’s office and the hospital billing provider to fully understand the costs involved in your procedure.